TOL Account Request Form

NOTE: If you do not have an established account with CCD, your access to transactions will be limited.

  • Step 1: Complete the TOL Account Request form below.
  • Step 2: Review the information for accuracy and sign.
  • Step 3: Print the TOL Account Request form for your records.
  • Step 4: Once ODOT approves your TOL Account Request you will receive an E-mail confirmation.

Questions? Call 503-378-6699, or contact us.

Step 1: Complete the TOL Account Request form
CCD Account Number:  * Help
Carrier's Business Name: CCD Will Provide Name
Company Phone No: * Ext:
Contact Name:  *
Business E-mail Address:  *
Confirm E-mail Address:  *
Effective Date:    

* = required

The TOL Account Request application must be electronically signed by an Owner, Partner, LLC Member/Manager, Corporate Officer, or someone possessing a Power of Attorney (POA must be on file or attached) or it will be denied.

If you need to request a Password change on an existing account, click here.